Anyone over the age of 7 can be tested, and occasionally younger students have been screened too.
There are 2 assessments. The first, the Screening Assessment, will tell if you have Irlen® Syndrome and if so, exactly which of the many possible symptoms you have. The test includes finding out if you have problems seeing print. It checks your sensitivity to light, and whether you experience environmental distortions. We try out different plastic colored overlays on the page to see if this makes a difference. If you have symptoms and the overlays help, you can return for the second assessment.
During the Tinting Assessment you look through different filters until the correct color combination is found to remove these symptoms. The filter color that will be most helpful is often quite different from the most helpful overlay color. The overlays are put on the page of print . They change the color of the page and reflect light .
The filteres are worn as glasses. As you look through the lenses they transmit light, and the correct filter does not change the color of the page or in the world ..
Around 45% of children and adults with reading problems, and 12-15% of regular and gifted people have Irlen® Syndrome. For some, Irlen® Syndrome will be just part of the puzzle, as they may have other learning problems in addition to Irlen® Syndrome. In this case, using the Irlen® Filters will make the print easier to see clearly, and the page will be more comfortable to look at, so there will be less strain involved in reading. For some Irlen® Syndrome is the only problem and with Irlen® Filters, few reading problems will remain, and there is immediate improvement in comfort, reading speed and sometimes reading level.
Yes, lots, including positive feedback from people who have been wearing Irlen® Filters for at least six years. Research has shown that just as many girls as boys have Irlen® Syndrome. One study of 751 children with Irlen® Syndrome found that 84% of them had at least one parent who also had Irlen® Syndrome. Dr. Greg Robinson, of Australia, has done a lot of research on the improvements in reading that result from using Irlen® Filters. There also has been several neuro-psychologists who have used different brain scanning methods, and have seen much improvement in brain functioning when the correct color filters are worn.
No. Only if they have Irlen® Syndrome. But 46% of struggling readers have Irlen® syndrome
Occasionally, we find people who have symptoms, but none of the Filters help. In this case, the person is usually able to get some help by reading in dimmer light and using a plastic overlay. A few people will need to wear Irlen® Filters AND use a plastic overlay for optimal benefit. A few need two pairs, different colors for bright light and dim light.
The problems you may be experiencing could be caused by vision difficulties. If this is the case, an optometrist or eye specialist will identify the problems and correct your vision using prescription glasses .
If you still experience problems after this, you can be rechecked to see if you also have Irlen® Syndrome. Some people have vision problems as well as Irlen® Syndrome. In this case, we put the Irlen® tint onto prescription lenses. The lenses must be CR39 plastic, uncoated and untinted.
Research shows that these perception problems appear to be caused by a difference in one of the visual pathways that carry messages from the back of the retina to the brain. This causes a timing difficulty in the processing of visual information. When the Irlen® Filters filter out specific wavelengths of light, this changes the way the brain processes the visual information. The pathway from the eye to the brain appears to function normally. The brain is calmer and not in overuse.
Not for people who have identified symptoms of Irlen® Syndrome. What makes the Irlen® Filters effective is the careful identification of the person's symptoms and the selection of a tint that gets rid of these symptoms. Only a qualified Irlen® clinician/diagnostician can carry out this process. Each person's combination of colors is unique to them. The Irlen® spectral filters do not change the color of the world.