Financial Aid

Click here for article on Lion's club help with financial aid

Most agencies require that you apply before getting the services. They do not refund after the fact.

  • Call for sliding scale or low income fees
  • Irlen® Ambassadors gives scholarships to pay lab fees for qualifying individuals I have tested.
  • During screener trainings I screen clients  age 8 or over for free. I need an adult  for my demonstration, and several children or adults for my new trainees to test. You still have to pay $5.00 for overlays. Call if you would like you or your child to be tested.
  • Often there are screeners in schools who screen students in their school for free. If there is not one in your school see if you can persuade a teacher or counselor  to take the training.
  • Call Lion's, Rotary and Kiwanis clubs for help.
  • Irlen® Ambassadors Butte County gives local awards to pay lab fees for low income clients.
  • Occasionally schools can run readathons to help with costs
  • Vocational rehab has paid in many areas .
  • Regional services have sometimes paid for a child with Autism or similar disorders.
  • Foster parents services have paid for foster children.
  • Youth for change have paid for children with exceptional behavioural issues
  • Churches have often funded families who attend.
  • I accept gifts of gently used frames and pass them on to needy clients
  • Opticians often have a box of discontinued frames under the counter that are very inexpensive. 
  • Some insurances will pay. You need a letter from a psychiatrist or doctor and you must apply before getting the testing.  Call Susan for more information. 
    My visa machine usually takes flexplan and Benefit cards.
    Tribal Health has helped many of their clients.